Detroit's Michigan Central Station gets small renovations

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AU Supporting Member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 13, 2011
Detroit's Famously Decaying Old Train Station Has 5 New Windows and No One Knows Why

Perhaps no building is seen as a symbol of Detroit's struggles as much as Michigan Central Station....

Hollowed out and window-free for years, there are now five, yes just five, brand new windows that have been reinstalled in 2013 so far. Windows one, two and three even garnered the attention of the local media in February and March.


Often thought of as being abandoned, the building is in fact owned by the locally powerful Moroun family, which includes billionaire and Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Moroun.

Halfway through the year, no one inside Detroit's city hall seems to know what the idea is behind these sporadic new window installations.
:( Sad commentary on a Once Great American City! Buffalo is also in the Running for Next! :help:
They've been doing minor restorations for a while now, mostly as a test to see how long they can keep it up. It wouldn't make sense to install 100 new windows if they're going to get broken 12 hours later.

Two or three of those windows have been in place for about a year now, I believe. So far so good. The place is pretty heavily monitored, which sucks for those of us who loved to explore it back in the day. ;)