Lead Service Attendant
IIt goes from the House to the Senate building.
Jim, the members even had their own rows in the cars so they wouldn't have to ride with us plebeians.I used to ride them often when I worked @ DOL back before 9-11 when things were pretty played back on the Hill! Lots of times you'd be on a car with someone famous but when you got to the Capitol Building Congress Members had their own Elevators (Elevator operator was a patronage job!)and we peons had to wait with the masses to ride upstairs!
They're a little harder to get to these days - you need to be escorted by someone that works in the Capitol Complex.Anyone know what it takes to get a tour of these? Maybe write my senator or representative?
Yes, and they no longer allow same-day connections from the House offices to the Senate offices. :giggle:Have they removed the fresh flowers and wine/cheese tasting?