Rail Freak
Showing my ignorance here, but what is the differance of the Dinning cars of the Silvers vs the Cardinal? ( EX: Heritage, Diner Lite etc)
It was actually only 6 years ago that the conversions started and it had nothing to do with Amtrak being in the toilet. It had everything to do with a silly Congressional mandate that Amtrak cut its food service losses. Diner-Lite was part of Amtrak's answer to that mandate.A lot of people complain about how it isn't "High quality", but there were business descions that had to be made 5-10 years ago when Amtrak was in the toilet.
They would have to be, since Amtrak has converted all Amfleet II cafe cars to Diner-Lite cars. The only way to get a true cafe car would be if an Amfleet II car was bad ordered and the only subsitute was an Amfleet I cafe car. Amtrak tries to avoid putting AMF I's on the LD's whenever possible.The lounge car in the two Crescents that we traveled in a couple of weeks back were actually Diner Lite cars with the additional storage freezer and the steam tray table, AFAIR.