Does Anyone Have any Upgrade vouchers?

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Jun 21, 2012
I'm going from Boston to DC on July 2nd and return I'd like to take Acela and upgrade to first class I'd be happy to give back any vouchers I get in return. I have never gone Acela and hate to fly so any help would be more than appreciated Thanks so much I'm going to see my daughter in the parade.
I think because it is relatively early in the year and the coupons do not expire for some time, it might be difficult to find someone who has an "extra" one. Last February, there were plenty to be had. :lol: But, there is no harm in asking.


And... welcome to the forum. It sounds like you will have a great time visiting your daughter. I hope the weather cooperates.
Thanks I'm looking forward to it. I thought someone may have bought the 5 pack of upgrades and not used all of them If I can upgrade great if not no prob. It's gonna be fun.