Finding out location of my roomette

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Mar 8, 2011
New to this Forum. Have learned a lot and enjoy many of the discussions. I have just recently purchased online, a roomette on the EB for a trip from Chicago to Essex this summer. Is there a way I can find out the location of the roomette? My primary interest is if it is located on the upper level. Would this information be on my tickets? I live 2 hours from the nearest station and was planning to get them when I arrive in Chicago.

You can call Amtrak up and ask the agent to tell you what room & car you are in. Then you can look at the diagrams at the link above to see just where you are. You'll want to look at the Superliner diagram.
Thank you. Are the upper levels usually assigned first unless there is a request for the lower level? I am really hoping that I am on the upper level. Am I correct that you go through the cars on the upper level? I really do appreciate having this forum. I have traveled a number of times on the Cardinal from Cincinnati/Maysville Ky to DC/NYC but have never traveled in a roomette.
Are the upper levels usually assigned first unless there is a request for the lower level?
I believe so. I booked as a senior on the City of New Orleans, and was assigned a roomette on the upper level. This will mean that I will only have to use the stairs twice unless I need access to luggage stored in the lower level of the lounge car. Dining car access is on upper level, so is the lounge car unless you need something from the snack bar which is on the lower level. When we traveled on the Sunset Limited, I went to the snack bar only twice, once to check it out, the other for snacks for my hubby.

If you have a roomette number that is 10 or less, it will be upper. Eleven thru fourteen is on the lower level. However, this is assuming you'll be on a Superliner train.
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Based on how far out I have purchased tickets in the past, I'd have to say that more than likely they do assign the upper level first.
Not always. IIRC, the first roomette sold at low bucket is on the upper level, but the next roomette sold at low bucket is on the lower level!
That's similar to my experiences as well, although it's always seemed to me that the first two rooms sold are upper, followed by 2 on the lower, before returning to the upper.
Thanks for the advice. I called today and found out that I was in Room 9 on the Upper Lever from Chicago to Essex and then Room 5 from Essex to Portland.
I called today and found out that I was in Room 9 on the Upper Lever from Chicago to Essex and then Room 5 from Essex to Portland.
You will enjoy being on the upper level. It's just a short walk to the coffee service set up by the stairs. The SCA does not deliver your coffee, at least they didn't on the route we were on. There's also boxed juices, ice (located in the first room by the stairs), and cold water dispenser, but I'd use the bottled water they provide you with.
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