Breakfast was just show up to the cafe car and get an assigned seat. I ordered the crepes, which were really good, though cold in spots, with a hot coffee. I don’t usually drink hot coffee, but I needed the caffeine. I did have a table mate, who was disappointed because the Cardinal had been hyped up as having amazing scenery in West Virginia, but we couldn’t see any of it because it was in the dark. I agreed. While I knew this going in, I guess I kind of hoped there would be other scenery to make up for it, but nothing really did. I learned that it takes the cooperation of 6 different freight railroads to get the Cardinal into Chicago. Cardinal arrived only about 20 minutes late into Chicago, which is way better than the times I rode the LSL, so I will give the Cardinal that. I actually had time to do a little shopping in Chicago before hopping on the Hiawatha. Overall though, between the lackluster scenery, the Buckingham Branch, and my SCA I wouldn't do the westbound Cardinal again. I would maybe consider the eastbound Cardinal for the daylight run through the New River Gorge, but I'm not even sure if I even want to do that at this point.
The 335 Hiawatha was an all horizon consist for my northbound journey, which was a relief. It was an all Venture consist last year. Guess it's random which kind of consist you get, that or the Borealis shook things up in regards to the Hiawtha consists. We arrived in Milwaukee on time.
I didn't do anything transit-related in Milwaukee this time, just my usual convention stuff. Did some musuems too (finally got to see the Streets of Old Milwaukee exhibit!).
The southbound Hiawatha was unfortunately an all Venture consist, so I was Suffering with Siemens for an hour and a half. I already ranted about those cars in last year’s trip report, so I won’t get into it again here other than to say that these seats are still awful and I hate them.
After spending some time in Chicago, saw Macy's is already decked out for Christmas, which was both nice and at the same time way too early, it was time for the Capitol Limited. Boarding from the lounge was different this time, instead of going through the special exit doors that the lounge has, you just exited out of the lounge entrance and went the same way people who were coming from the Great Hall were doing and then you were split off from the line based on whether you were coach or sleeper. I saw the Conductor manually check me in, so no confusion over whether my ticket was scanned or not this time. Sleepers were now towards the front instead of the back like they were last year. I had an upper level roomette this time with the gray leather seats. I prefer these over the blue cloth ones. Views are pretty nice from the upper level and I was on the same side of the train as I was on last year, so I got to see those great river views. I don’t know what it is, but the Capitol Limited’s countryside is way prettier than the Cardinal’s.
One thing I noticed was that the flex menu on the CL was the one from last year. I thought it was a fluke at first, but nope I was able to have the chicken parm again and I think it was better than it was on the LSL and better than the new flex dishes I had on the Cardinal. Not the best chicken I ever had in my life, but still fine and the noodles were heated up better this time. I wasn’t given a choice for desert, I was just given the brownie, which was fine by me given I had already had the buttercake twice already this trip. Weird how both times I was given the brownie on the CL.
Breakfast was just show up whenever and I had the pancakes which were pretty good, a little touch on the edges, but better than the time I had them on the LSL. Cafe Car attendant was really nice and friendly, just really good staff on here overall.
My SCA on the capitol was really nice, much better attitude and just much better overall compared to my Cardinal SCA. He actually asked me when I wanted my bed made instead of how the Cardinal SCA did things. I didn't sleep that well, partly because I was up so late and partly because the train kept rocking me back and forth. It was more intense than being in the lower level. Didn't get motion sick though, didn't need dramamine at all this trip. While I liked the views from the upper level, I think I prefer being in the lower level when it comes to Superliners. We arrived in DC much closer to on time than we did last year.
(To be continued...)