Several items.
1. Although forgotten by some and not know by others === The original order from CAF for 130 V-2s was 25 Bag dorms ;; 25 sleepers; 25 diners, and 55 baggage cars. Order of delivery was Baggage, then Bag - Dorms, Diners and then Sleepers. Just before cut off of the 11th Bag dorm start construction the order was changed to 10 Bag - dorms and 70 baggage. That allowed for compete retirement of Heritage baggage that were becoming incapable of addition rehab.
2. Framing of Baggage cars is such that they cannot be converted to coaches, bag - Dorms, or sleepers.
3. CAF appears that it did not secure delivery of parts for construction in a timely manner which is the reason for the very slow deliveries. That stretches out to over 10 years from order to final deliveries late this calendar year. Amtrak is rumored that it also has a shortage of parts for the V-2s
4. It is rumored that the as built plans for the V-2s are the property of Amtrak.
5. Several business pubs are stating that manufacturers are having difficulty in getting parts from vendors of all disciplines. Note the world wide chip shortage especially for auto companies The only way Amtrak can get the needed addition sleepers built quickly IMHO would be for the president invoke the defense production act to move all parts for additional sleepers to the front of the line.
6. In light of reason #5 Amtrak must rebuild every sidelined car still available but the parts problem may hinder that as well ? That is both Amfleets and Superliners.
7. As for rebuilding the P-40 and P-42s the parts shortage is there as well especially those locos traction motor trucks.