Today marked our arrival into Toronto - and while it was scheduled for 2:34pm, it came quicker than I thought. I got up, showered and got everything ready for arrival, and then went for the early continental breakfast. They were telling us around noon for the arrival, which I kind of wished was later - more time on the train and was hoping to get lunch.. After eating the continental breakfast, I went down to the Park car and talked to some of the friends I made yesterday some more. Though in no time at all they were calling us for the brunch shortly after 9, and were saying that arrival was looking more like 11:30 so we probably should go down there if we wanted it.
Brunch was kind of similar to the last meals of a long-distance Amtrak train arriving into Chicago - you got what was left. I ended up having a waffle, which was not an option at our previous sittings - none of the leftover lunch options seemed appealing, and it was still breakfast time. By yesterday and today most of the Grey Cup travelers had already left the train - guessing most of them got off in Winnipeg with a few in Edmonton or some of the Saskatchewan stops. At this point, what we had left were the Vancouver-Toronto diehards and people who had boarded at an intermediate stop. The brunch was good, and after that I went back to the Park car to try and take a few more pictures.
There, I noticed we were passing Rama, home of Casino Rama - had seen that advertised on many hockey board advertisements in the past, but figured it was just a catchy name for a casino (like the ubiquitous-in-Canada Dollarama) rather than a casino in a place called Rama. Eventually we passed Lake Simcoe, which I had just visited at the AU Gathering in Toronto a couple months ago - albeit on the opposite side. We then entered GO territory on the Richmond Hill line, where I managed to get a shot of perhaps the funniest-named train station in North America - Old Cummer GO. Knew that was on this line, which I’d probably never get to travel otherwise - it’s peak only into Toronto in the AM and out in the PM. After that I said goodbye to some people and made my way back to my room, where we arrived in Union Station around noon (we had incurred one delay after the 11:30 announcement).