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Here's the PDX to SEA line-up for Sunday, March 10th as of Wednesday night. Note that some train times have been adjusted for the slide repairs.  Train 14 is adjusted for the DST change.  Also note the double-headed 0800 departure on Flix has been split up.

0645 AT $37/$87

0700 FB $31

0820 AT $66/SO

0830 FB $32

1040 FB $40

1040 AT SO/SO

1200 FB $33

1350 AT SO/SO

1500 FB $34

1656 AT $59/--/$298

1755 AT $42/$72

1910 FB $32

1925 AT $37/$87

2115 FB $33

And here's PDX to SPK:

0645 AT $84/$134/$285 chng at Seattle

0700 FB $74 via Seattle

0950 FB $54 chng at Pasco

1645 AT $62/--/$251

1755 AT/NW $89/$119 chng at Seattle (not a Thruway service).

AT = Amtrak Coach/Business/Sleeper,

FB = Flixbus includes service charge rounded,

NW = Northwestern Stages (also has a one-way SPK>SEA>PDX connection).

SO = Sold Out.
