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Strictly speaking it is 2 that is late missing connection to 22, thus causing inconvenience to the passengers of 422, which forms part of 2 upto SAS and then forms part of 22. I suspect that they keep a protect set of cars in SAS to use when 2 misses connection to 22, and they bus the misconnecting passenger to catch up with 22 downline, possibly in FTW, if not earlier. [USER=2965]@Bob Dylan[/USER] probably can fill in the exact details of the standard practice these days.

It is not like 2 running late is a new phenomenon. There was a period in the past when it used to run way later, and then they changed the schedule for a while to accommodate more delays, which improved things a bit. Then all that track work was completed and the later departure from LAX was restored. UP on the Sunset route is just the latter day SP in a new livery and behaves accordingly, unfortunately.

I suspect the SL leaves that late to allow for connection from CS. Connection from CS to SWC is less critical since there is a way to get to the SWC from the Bay area via Bakersfield.
