Hello from Vermont

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Jun 22, 2024
Hello from Vermont. I am along time train enthusiast who grew up as a huge nyc subway fan. I am living in Vermont now just a 15 minute ride from the Vermonter which I love taking to NYC. The Vermonter is the only Amtrak train that I have been on. Some years back my wife and I had booked Silver Service from NYC to Florida but superstorm Sandy hit New York on the day we were scheduled to leave so that never happened. I am looking to expand my Amtrak horizons and thought that this forum would be a great place to learn.
Welcome to AU! Vermont is beautiful (I am from CT originally although I've lived the majority of my adult life in WA.) Train travel was so common growing up in CT, and out here, I have met so many people who not only have never been on a train, they have never even considered it/looked into it! You will learn a ton from this forum, glad you came across it.
Welcome To The Team Hello GIF by Originals

If you get the chance, the Silvers still run between NYC and Florida
Had 2 bedrooms booked. One for my wife and I and one for my ,then, teenage son. Planned on taking the Vermonter to NYC and then taking silver service to Disney. We cancelled the day before we were scheduled to leave and Sandy made landfall in New York the next day. Amtrak was really nice . We received a full credit that we used for countless trips on the Vermonter to NYC for the next couple of years. We go to New York a lot but always flew to Florida since then. We finally are ready to look at the longer distance trains again. That’s what brought me to these forums.