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Feb 27, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Looks like the EB is back on the Hot Deal list. Other than that I don't think we can blame Amtrak for global warming with their not so "Hot Deals." Last excuse from Amtrak was the Product Line Manager has to notify HQ when they want to run a deal. I wish I had a nickel for every empty seat just the City had this winter not to mention the Crescent and Slowset, I mean Sunset which, in all fairness has been putting in some pretty impressive OTP's(with mega-padding.)
So the EB is back on - AGAIN? It's getting as bad that you can expect the EB as much as the 3xx series trains to be listed! :rolleyes: (And I thought that the EB was the "best" train on Amtrak! So why does it need more "help" than say #5, #50 or #19? :rolleyes: )
And why does Chicago exist as the only hub that needs all the extra hot deal help while the rest of the system is completely ignored?
I think your last word answers it all. The system is set up so that this feature can be ignored by those who want to be ignorant of its existence. It's truly a shame that they even take up cyberspace by even listing them anymore for anyone outside of the Chicago area.
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