How do Train Attendants function on little sleep?

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Mar 6, 2013
I recently got hired as a train attendant and I know the job requires Attendants to work long hours and with maybe a 4 hour sleep in a 24 hour period. Are there any tips or methods that are used to stay attentive during work hours? Normally when i don't get sleep, my eyes are red from lack of sleep and I need a way to clear my eyes and not make my fatigue noticable. Any opinions or tips from current or past employees is appreciated.
Hi, DBron. I'm not an Amtrak employee, but I do know Visine makes various eye drop formulas to help with red eyes. I've also found that splashing my eyes with water or holding a cool cloth on them for a few minutes sometimes helps. The redness is caused by constricted blood vessels. Visine acts the quickest, but some people find that it stings and can cause more redness.

Make sure you eat lean proteins like chicken and turkey and things like fruit and nuts throughout the day. Eggs are also a good source of protein (I love cheese omelets first thing in the morning), along with peanut butter. Try to stay away from sugary food so you don't crash. I know the availability of food on Amtrak is a bit limited, and I'm not sure if they give you guys an area to store/refrigerate food, so just do the best you can and try to resist the Mountain Dew and donut holes. :)
I hate to say it, but some people are simply better at irregular sleep than others. I hope you're one of them! The long-serving attendants generally say that they like the crazy schedule.
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