Indian Rail video

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Thanks Caravanman. That is a great video. I feel like I have been there now..........and that is as close to an Indian train as I will ever come. We had to transfer some work to our location in Bangelore. We sent several people there on temp assignment for three weeks at a time. None ever wanted to go back.
Thanks Caravanman. That is a great video. I feel like I have been there now..........and that is as close to an Indian train as I will ever come. We had to transfer some work to our location in Bangelore. We sent several people there on temp assignment for three weeks at a time. None ever wanted to go back.
I saw this video on my HD TV and will see it again. It is amazingly made.

Also this guy Roni has been posting a series of amazing photo essays on his elaborate train-chasing tour across India.Here is the link to Part 10 of his series. It has a link to Part 9 which in turn has link to Part 8 and so on. Worth checking out. What amazes me is that a foreigner with little or no knowledge of Indian languages took so much effort into exploring the countryside to get some brilliant train photos. Hats off to him!

From Roni's comments about his visa application, I gather that he is of Pakistani origins, now living in Vienna. He even obtained a photographic permit to shoot trains, and booked a car and driver to "chase" a rare meter guage train to obtain a variety of shots. The results are stunning... I enjoyed seeing the views FROM the roof of the meter guage train as well as the usual view from ground level.

It makes me yearn to go back again, but maybe I need to prepare more next time rather than just drifting around!

Ed :cool: