Indian Railways 158th Birthday

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Aug 24, 2003
Space Coast, Florida, Area code 3-2-1

Wishing Indian Railway a Happy 158th Birthday.

The first train ran in India from Bombay to Thana on the 16th of April 1853.
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Any website recommendations for learning some of the history?
The IRFCA (which originally started as the Indian Railways Fan Club of America, as a mailing list back in the late 80s/early 90s, with yours truly as one of the founders, but is now a mostly an Indian affair) has a very nice series of web pages on the history of IR, starting at IR History: Early Days - I.

Incidentally, now there is an offshoot group including many of the original founders of IRFCA that have formed the IRFCNA (India Railways Fan Club of North America) which is mostly a mailing list like IRFCA was originally, and also has annual get-togethers. This year the get together is in Flagstaff AZ, over the 4th of July weekend.

Just for kicks, here is what I consider the most beautiful locomotive to have run on the Indian Railways - the WP class Pacific, prototypes built by Baldwin based on an Indian Railways design - in all 755 were built and deployed.

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