Indian Railways 2013 Budget imminent

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Permanent Way Inspector
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Aug 24, 2003
Space Coast, Florida, Area code 3-2-1
There is a reason that India is a railfan's paradise. According to this artcile titled Indian Railways to introduce 100 news trains in Rail Budget, speculation about the Budget that is soon to be introduced in the Indian Parliament has the following features:

1. Introducing about 100 new passenger trains.

2. Manufacture and put into service 4,200 passenger cars, including 600 higher speed cars.

3. Manufacture and put into service 670 new locomotives

4. Focus will be on improved hygene and better facilities for providing beddings for Sleeper passengers.

5. Add Braille to all posted signage in passenger rail cars.

It would be interesting to see the actual budget and what actual new trains are being proposed.
A different perspective on how popular the railway in India is among the general public, it is two hours to go for the Railway Minister to present the Annual Railway Budget in the Parliament and already #RailBudget is the top trending topic on Twitter in India. The interest will only go up from here once the speech actually starts and new trains and projects are announced.