I created an interactive map of all LD routes on Google Maps, from the data available at the USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The cool thing is that it shows the exact routes (AFAIK), and you can zoom in as far as Google will go.
I included stations, but you can deselect the layer for a less cluttered view.
Feel free to peruse and enjoy, at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1AY-w-dFPfNuVDuDG-vCQ8FGOjwu8_E8&usp=sharing.
I included stations, but you can deselect the layer for a less cluttered view.
Feel free to peruse and enjoy, at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1AY-w-dFPfNuVDuDG-vCQ8FGOjwu8_E8&usp=sharing.