's definitely a train. But certainly true that not all trains were created equally. Having never ridden on one, I can't comment on their comfort. But I'd guess it's a far better experience than a bus.
Was the pacer car ahead of its time? It seems a good idea to have produced a smaller car, and I read that there was a firm that did electric conversions.
I am surprised that they tried to market these in the US. I can see that probably a few at FRA caused injury to themselves while falling off the chair laughing.
They are not my favorite piece of rail equipment to ride in. The sooner they are relegated to museums the better IMHO.
Definitely an odd car. To tie things together a bit, perhaps the most famous AMC Pacer was the one used in this movie scene, set to the music of a British rock band.
Whenever I hear or see reference to the AMC Pacer, it brings a smile to me....I recall one television ad where to demonstrate the "wide-body", they had a baker load a huge wedding cake into its hatch....