Is it a bus or is it a train? It's a Pacer

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080918.65.jpg's definitely a train. But certainly true that not all trains were created equally. Having never ridden on one, I can't comment on their comfort. But I'd guess it's a far better experience than a bus.

That said, it's pretty funny that these things share a name with one of the most widely derided American cars.
Was the pacer car ahead of its time? It seems a good idea to have produced a smaller car, and I read that there was a firm that did electric conversions.

Looks a bit odd though!

Ed. :cool:
I am surprised that they tried to market these in the US. I can see that probably a few at FRA caused injury to themselves while falling off the chair laughing. :)

They are not my favorite piece of rail equipment to ride in. The sooner they are relegated to museums the better IMHO.
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Whenever I hear or see reference to the AMC Pacer, it brings a smile to me....I recall one television ad where to demonstrate the "wide-body", they had a baker load a huge wedding cake into its hatch.... :)