Actually, it might not be all that off-base, considered that the
FRA long-distance Service study has Dallas - Miami as one of the "selected preferred route options." However, in an era of limited funding, I wouldn't make it one of my top priorities. My long-distance service priorities would be:
Resources to ensure that all current long-distance trains run close to schedule and minimize cancellations and restore traditional dining
Better management of on-board service to ensure a more consistent high-quality product (eliminate drill-sergeant LSAs), hire on-board service supervisors
Daily Sunset and Cardinal
Multiple trains on the Lake Shore Limited Route to enable better calling times in Ohio
Direct service NYP -Chicago via Philly, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh
Service into the interior southeast (Louisville/Nashville)
Of course, even this limited list would be a real fiscal stretch, involving spending on lots of new rolling stock and making deals with host railroads.