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Nov 16, 2010
As of right now, I am in NPN awaiting the departure of #66. I will be traveling to RVM and back this evening, returning on #83. On the way back, I'll be posting a hard timekeeping on the train back in the secure forum if we're late (which we probably will be). Having wireless is so nice.

Anyhow, the train pulled into the station about 12 minutes after we were supposed to be on our way (call it 5:07 or so). Self-correction from another post: This is what went haywire last year, not just loading problems. There were about 170-180 passengers on the platform, in the station, etc. (I got a "hard count" of 167, myself included, but that was at about 4:45 and some stragglers came in...NPN really needs to get a deal going with the building next door to use their lot over weekends like this), which is a lot for a small station like NPN. Call it 180 boardings for a station that averages 79-80 boardings/alightings per train, so this is somewhere around twice what they're used to and then some.

We're moving as of 5:18, which suggests that this is going to be a long trip. I'll give the staff credit: They got close to 200 people on the train in just over ten minutes, which takes some doing. CSX gets the blame per the intercom (they were doing some work in the yard). Also, an amazing sunset was visible while waiting/pulling out, not unlike last year, but it's almost dark now.
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My train made the run from NPN-RVM in 1:14, vs. a timetable of 1:10 (and I do think the 1:10 is probably a bit on the ambitious side, but the presence of a buffer at RVR probably helps things substantially). As far as I'm concerned, they made the time they expect to, which was a pleasant surprise.

I did a head count on the platform, and I think 57 folks boarded the train at RVM vs. 2 alightings. That gives about 175 at NPN plus (57-2)=230 plus whomever boarded at WBG. Counting six cars on the train (five coaches and a 2-1 BC/Cafe mix), the train was probably closing in on 300 people onboard prior to RVR. Mind you, RVR will have a number of alightings (I suspect there were at least a few people making connections further south...not many, but a few...not to mention the size of Richmond), but I wouldn't be surprised if 66 was close to sold out starting at RVR.

I had dinner at a brand new (as in "opened last Friday") Mexican place called Margarita's Cantina in lieu of Havana 59. The food was pretty good, and it's about two blocks from RVM (walk down Main Street to 18th and turn left; walk up a block and you're there). An old friend of mine is the manager and he invited me to dinner.

An interesting thought does come to mind based on experience which I may follow up on elsewhere: Given that RVM-NPN is, if not a stub end, then at least going to have worse load factors than RVR-WAS because of the number of folks who will board/alight at RVR, I'm wondering whether Amtrak has ever considered trying to work a promotion with some of the Shockoe Bottom eateries (perhaps, "show a same-day train ticket to/from RVM and get 5/10% off your bill at the following places" as an offer).

I will say that 66/83 offers a nice combination for dinner when it runs, and the combined low bucket fare (obviously not what I paid today) is getting competitive with driving to Richmond and parking (the latter being what kills you), to say nothing of the associated car costs. It really is a shame that 83 (or another train on about the same schedule) doesn't run daily (93 gets terminated at RVR, and the "counterpart" #84 originates at RVR...84 would originate at NPN around 6:30 AM; I know I've mentioned extending this one to Norfolk, but it really feels like a candidate to go to either NPN or NFK given its timing).

I get the feeling that the added cost of running the equipment from RVR-NPN isn't all that much, and promoting "let us be your driver" or something like that would probably bring in a good bit of business to both Amtrak (who could use a hand filling seats beyond RVR because so much business does terminate there) and the local eateries. Finally, running a train through just one day a week like this is just...odd. I know it borders on being an equipment move with revenue side-effects, but it still feels wacky.

Departure from RVM at 10:04 PM...train is so far out of slot right now that it's not even funny, and they apparently got shoved to a siding between RVR and RVM.

Finally, since we had the discussion elsewhere, what is fare plan YOFC?
Ok, I'm officially getting a little bit annoyed and may be making a phone call or two once I get home to complain at customer service if we're here much longer. It's 10:30 PM and we're parked outside the Richmond Airport. Generally, I'm pretty relaxed about delays like this, but we're about two hours behind and we've lost power at least once. Now, I get that this is out of Amtrak's control (we're waiting for clearance from the, I wish I had a receiving-only scanner), but...this is the sort of trouble I expect on a long-distance train.

Ah, well...I can relax about one thing: I'm on the train, I've got wireless, and I've got a soda in my bag if I get thirsty. Really, there are worse places I could be and worse jams I could be in. I'll take it, but it's still irritating.

A question worth pondering: Has Amtrak ever considered adding extra padding to the NERs heading past WAS on days like today (where I suspect they just get a little bit overloaded at each stop and it adds up) while on the Corridor (even if it's just "padding out" the stop at WAS)? Or would it be plausible for them to talk with CSX to get a special slotting deal in place for a few days like this?
We got an update: Apparently there's a tree down on the tracks (it was really windy in Richmond tonight, so I can't say that it shocks me that they'd lose a tree somewhere along the line), which is generating the stop signal. So it's not just an out-of-slot nightmare, but there's a real problem holding us up. This makes me a bit more best guess is that we'll pull into NPN sometime after midnight, given where we are and whatnot.

Also, I'd like to note that we're parked outside the Richmond airport, making this the most time I've spent at an airport in a few years.
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