CCTV should be able to shed some light on this. Anything else is pure speculation at this point, not that there's anything wrong with that. I will say that I've been surprised at how some facilities are allowed to close down for the night these days. I've been in theaters that had movies which ended with all doors locked, including some that appeared to be emergency doors. Spent time walking through empty corridors over and over again until finally finding a door that opened to the outside. Nobody to contact on the inside, one dead cell phone and another without an active service link made for an interesting conundrum. I've also been in a self-serve laundry cleaning my car's floor mats that simply auto-locked the doors and shut off the lights at a predetermined time. Those of us who became locked inside found a number to call but it only went to voicemail. Eventually we had to break the door open to get out. Is locking people inside your theater or laundromat even legal? For all I know there's a charge of breaking and exiting on my record somewhere. That would make for a laugh, until the sheer stupidity of the situation eventually drowned out the humor.