Menus From the Golden Age of Dining Cars

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Great findcCharlie, thanks for sharing!

And wonder why they didn't include Southern's Crescent, Santa Fe's Super Chief and Illinois Central's Panama Ltd. menus??

And compare them to today's Denny's/ Applebees Standard Bland Menus on Amtrak @ High Prices for Low quality!!
As a point of reference regarding those old menu prices:
$1 in 1943 bought what takes $13.72 to buy today.

The $0.60 for a Southern Comfort whiskey or a Scotch in the 1943 Dixie Flagler, Dixie Route Tavern Car would be $8.23 today.
The 1943 Burlington luncheon Old Fashioned Stewed Chicken with Noodles, and Pan Broiled Hamburger Steak, Brown Onion Gravy, both for $1.25 would be $17.15 today.
The Century in the Highlands of the Hudson” / New York Central System dining car menu, 1943 Country Sausage and Eggs for $1.00 would be $13.72 today.
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Great find, agreed! Thanks for posting...

Also agree with Bob Dylan on those obvious great menu's not listed, to which I would add the Florida Special menu....

IMHO, the IC's Panama Limited "King's Dinner" was the most over-the-top, decadent feast ever offered in a railroad diner.....