Metrolink and Rancho Cucamonga

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OBS Chief
Jan 13, 2010
Chicago, USA
Wiseacre that I am, during my layover at LAUS I'd love to get a recording of a departure announcement for Rancho Cucamonga. I think the station is on the San Bernardino Metrolink. Does LAUS make a boarding announcement for this train? Do they honor Mel Blanc when they pronounce "Cucamonga"?
Wiseacre that I am, during my layover at LAUS I'd love to get a recording of a departure announcement for Rancho Cucamonga. I think the station is on the San Bernardino Metrolink. Does LAUS make a boarding announcement for this train? Do they honor Mel Blanc when they pronounce "Cucamonga"?
I don't know, but it was a standing joke with Jack Benny and Rodchester --- the announcer would stretch it out for almost 5 seconds. This is part of the reason that the city changed it's name from just "Cucamonga" to "Rancho Cucamonga".
Wiseacre that I am, during my layover at LAUS I'd love to get a recording of a departure announcement for Rancho Cucamonga. I think the station is on the San Bernardino Metrolink. Does LAUS make a boarding announcement for this train? Do they honor Mel Blanc when they pronounce "Cucamonga"?
I think LAUS only says Metrolink to San Bernardino. I don't believe all of the stops are mentioned. The conductor says next stop Rancho Cucamonga when you get one station away.
For all the jokes that are made about Rancho Cu . . . . ca . . . . mong . . . a, I've been through there a few times, and it seems like a very nice place (upper class/upper-middle class), very clean and well kept-up.