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Honored Member
Feb 1, 2004
Las Vegas, NV

Christine, My Daughter, says that the Gold line that we rode on the LA Gathering has more of it finished south of Union Station.
And I rode almost the entire way on new Gold Line. Stopped at King Taco for lunch. Boy, it's so greasy!
King Taco is clearly a popular lunch joint, but geeze what a dump! Wouldn't be caught dead, especially since there are so many really good dining options all along the Gold Line Eastside Extension. The MTA even issued a food brochure (pdf) for the line that covers Little Tokyo and East L.A.: L.A. Metro Eastside Dining Guide.

While I've yet to sample any of the Little Tokyo listings I've enjoyed several of the East L.A. options, which are generally small, family-run places featuring various Mexican specialties. I especially liked Tamales Liliana, which is kind of a hole in the wall - maybe 6 tables - serving a slate of killer (you guessed it) fresh tamales.