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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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I am a customer that amtrak will lose due to this no free change rule. I already have a ticket for 150 I need to use someday. But I dont know when. My plans are day to day, and once I can, I jump on the train from nyc to florida, or nyc to los Angeles.  2 trips to florida 2 to west coast, plus another one or 2 to DC from ny. But now I cant since I like to decide often the morning of my trip.  There's alot not to like about amtrak, like the cars smelling of sewage especially  the double deckers. The low lifespan that I've seen start fights, steal, try and start fights, I could tell so many stories the stuff I see. But this change will lose me, I'll start flying even though I'm afraid of it. I already take greyhound often due to Amtrak high prices. 100 bucks to philly from nyc. Bus 12 dollars. The trains used to have large lounge areas. They shrunk them, made the conductors use the few seats they have for office, and now dont let you eat your own food in the lounges unless it's the one from chicago to los Angeles.  It used to be a party in that lounge to florida. Drinking eating playing cards.
