I'm sure the letter above written by young Cody about the reduction in amenities for Amtrak long-distance trains is one I whole heartily agree with but I'll admit I didn't read the entire letter. And perhaps it can be made even more effective and to the point.
Now, I will admit my bias for brevity. And I know Cody put a lot of thought and effort into wriitng what he wanted to say. I'm also sure a background in writing for radio, and in writing news releases that I wanted published, encouraged me to always edit for length.
So, just based on my experience, my thoughts are that if Cody would take his main thoughts in the above letter he wrote to Amtrak, and edit them down to, say, 300 words (the maximum length some newspapers allow for letters to the editor) from the current 1500 words or so, and send them to his Senators,
Representative, New York area daily and weekly newspapers, and others, he would maximize the chances of his letter being thoroughly read, and maybe even published.
Anyway, just a thought. Oh - and I'll admit to another bias. I want the message in opposition to the downgrading of Amtrak's long-distance to be heard loud and clear everywhere possible. Cody's certainly started to do his part.