New rider with some questions

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Jun 14, 2011
Hi! I'm sorry if this question is annoying, but I have to ask because I tend to get anxious.

Anyway, I'll be traveling from Chicago to Champaign to start grad school next month.

I'll be taking the 8:15 am train, but the checked bagged hours at the Union Station (Chicago) don't start until 8:00. I'm guessing there will be no checked baggage on this train, then? I know they want bags to be checked at least 30 minutes prior to departure so I'm guessing no... In any case, I can get an answer about this directly from Amtrak tomorrow morning.

My real question is, my luggage is 28" without the wheels... The wheels add a little less than 2 inches. Do I run the risk of not being allowed on this train if I can't check it and they determine it's too big for a carry-on?

Of course, Amtrak's policy states: 28" x 22" x 14" and my baggage is 28" (w/o wheels) x 18" x 10".
Not likely anyone would check to see your skinny bag is a little long. Don't sweat it. Perhaps tonight someone more familiar with Chicago will be able to answer the question about check-in hours. Or perhaps you could call Amtrak tonight and ask customer service.
Welcome to the forum! And don't worry about questions being "annoying". That's what this forum is for, to answer questions. You are correct in that there is no checked baggage for your train. And the rule of thumb is that if you can carry it on without assistance, then you'll be good to go. Most of the time Amtrak personnel don't even take notice of carryons; yours will be fine.

Have fun and good luck with your studies! I have an uncle and aunt who live about 15 miles from Champaign and I make it out there once a year or so.
It doesn't sound like you need to check your baggage. But if you wanted to, you could check it on the City of New Orleans. You would have to do it in Chicago a day early OR pick it up in Champaign later.
The train you will be taking to Champaign is usually called a 'corridor' train and lots of students from U of I and SIU call it the student commuter rather than a long distance train. There is plenty of luggage storage space at the end of the car and the overhead bins a very spacious (compared to what you are used to in a commercial airliner). I am confident no one from Amtrak will challenge the size of your luggage. They are all aware that the life's blood of the Saluki and the Illini are college students. From my observations, many students use the train because they have more room for luggage than in the trunk of dad's car !!

A more important consideration for you may be the day you travel. If you can travel a day or two before or after the main crush of students, you will not be competing for nearly as much limited storage space. Good luck and congrats on entering U of I... I envy you the next four years.
Thank you so much for the responses.

Yes, I am leaving a day early and my graduate program is unique in the fact that we start in July. I'm sure some of my classmates will be on board, but it will be well before the back-to-school rush.

You guys are great!
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