October Business Trip - Empire Builder

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Jul 3, 2007
Hi Folks

I'm planning on taking the empire builder in Late October as part of a business trip from Seattle -> Chicago. I love train travel and am really looking forward to it - except 1 part - the fare. $141 for a seat seems reasonable but $700 for a roomette doesn't (well ok, according to my budget). So to make this decision I need some help in deciding. Apologies for all the questions.

- Since I'll be working, I need to use my laptop - are there electrical outlets available in the "reserved seating" area that would enable me to work from my seat ? Doesn't look like business class seating is available as an option (which apparently provide outlets)

- I read the lounge car has outlets - is this generally a busy place ? I can work with noise, but a chair/space is a requirement too !

- What's the chances I can grab a wireless connection at one of the station stops enroute ? Slim to none ? Any experiences ?

- Anybody know if there is a "roomette" sharing option / website ? I gladly share the room with another traveller - I've done my fair share of backpacking so I know pretty much all the ups and down sides... I also read that the roomette has outlets (can you tell what my primary requirement is yet ?)

- Does the roomette fare ever get discounted ?

Thanks folks in advance .. and also for the other great info on this site. I'll have to update this after my trip (yes, I'm going regardless of a power outlet to myself)


Where did you get $700 for the roomette? The price range for a roomette from Seattle to Chicago is $200 to $599. Or are you adding in the railfare to the roomette price?

Outside of one rare exception back at the beginning of this year, sleepers are never discounted. And even then, IIRC the Empire Builder was exempted from that discount offer. One can generally only find discounts on the railfare portion of the fare.

Now, if you can be flexible with your travel dates, then you might be able to drive that price down by leaving a day earlier or a day later. I would check prices on both sides of your date of travel. Especially if you were planning to depart on a weekend. Those are typically busier days, and the general rule is, as sleepers sell out, the price rises.

You may also wish to look into leaving from Portland, instead of Seattle. A quick, cheap ride on Amtrak's Cascade service will get you from Seattle to Portland and fares might be cheaper for the Portland leg of the Empire Builder. Book it as a connecting trip, and that will also save you a few more bucks on the Cascade portion of the fare.

Now turning to the electrical situation, there is no business class on the EB. At best I'd say that maybe 5% of the coach fleet has been retrofitted with outlets at every seat. So I wouldn't bet on getting a seat with a power outlet. Even in coaches that haven't been retrofitted, there are still two outlets for cleaning purposes, but the odds of getting your seat to be next to one aren't good.

Next, the lounge is almost always busy on the EB, especially going through Glacier National Park. And even most lounge cars don't have outlets next to the tables and seats. Most have only one or two in odd places. Again you might get lucky and find a lounge that actually does have outlets at the tables, but I wouldn't want to bet on it.

So sadly, your best bet if you need power, is the roomette as every roomette does indeed have a power outlet. I'm aware of no website that helps to partner people to share roomettes.

Finally, it might help a bit to know that if you do get the roomette, that the fare includes all of your meals when taken in the dining car. So that can help to ease the pain of paying for the roomette, knowing that you won't have to buy any food during the trip.

Currently the Amtrak site is showing SEA to CHI on Oct 29th as $141 + $200 for a roomette. Quite a bargain.

Also on Oct 31st, if you didn't mind coach until 12:30 AM that first night before switching to the sleeper, the Amtrak site is showing SEA to CHI as $141 + $244. Still quite a bargain.

Hi Folks
I'm planning on taking the empire builder in Late October as part of a business trip from Seattle -> Chicago. I love train travel and am really looking forward to it - except 1 part - the fare. $141 for a seat seems reasonable but $700 for a roomette doesn't (well ok, according to my budget). So to make this decision I need some help in deciding. Apologies for all the questions.

- Since I'll be working, I need to use my laptop - are there electrical outlets available in the "reserved seating" area that would enable me to work from my seat ? Doesn't look like business class seating is available as an option (which apparently provide outlets)

- I read the lounge car has outlets - is this generally a busy place ? I can work with noise, but a chair/space is a requirement too !

- What's the chances I can grab a wireless connection at one of the station stops enroute ? Slim to none ? Any experiences ?

- Anybody know if there is a "roomette" sharing option / website ? I gladly share the room with another traveller - I've done my fair share of backpacking so I know pretty much all the ups and down sides... I also read that the roomette has outlets (can you tell what my primary requirement is yet ?)

- Does the roomette fare ever get discounted ?

Thanks folks in advance .. and also for the other great info on this site. I'll have to update this after my trip (yes, I'm going regardless of a power outlet to myself)

On my last trip on CZ I saw a "gamer" sitting all the time in front of his notebook in the snack bar with an extension cord connected to the next outlet.
Maybe it's just me, but I just can't fathom traveling by train and at the same time being so glued to your laptop, for gaming or for business, that you can't enjoy the trip. What's the point of taking the train trip if you refuse to let yourself enjoy it?
Maybe it's just me, but I just can't fathom traveling by train and at the same time being so glued to your laptop, for gaming or for business, that you can't enjoy the trip. What's the point of taking the train trip if you refuse to let yourself enjoy it?
Dont ask me.... he was gaming between CHI and DEN and still gaming passing Sacramento....
I agree that the roomette price should be lower than you quoted, depends on when your traveling. Check a different day and you can often get a much different rate.

When we rode it a few months ago I recall a fellow sitting across from us in the lower part of the lounge with his computer plugged in to an outlet..

Also the scenery is nice, but your also talking two nights and better parts of three days.. Lots of open country which while nice, is fine for a movie or nap or work. Even the mountians get a bit much after and evening and morning of them.
I'll echo the above recommendations that a roomette is the way to go. It will likely be really difficult to find a vacant seat within range of a power outlet in the coaches or lounge ... most of those cars only have a couple of outlets each, and there's often competition for them among the passengers.

As for internet access, though I haven't tested every single track-mile of the Builder's route, I can say with some certainty that there are very few if any places along the way where you could pick up an unsecured wifi connection. When I need to do e-mail while traveling Amtrak I hook up my laptop to a cell phone with a data plan, and I think that's really the only practical solution. (Though on many stretches of the Builder's route, even cell phone reception is sometimes spotty -- especially if you're signed up with one of the GSM carriers.)
well first of all - thanks all for the great feedback.

I have no idea why I didn't check the date ranges and sure enough there are some great discounts. Unfortunately I can't leave earlier than the 31st, but I've noticed that the 2nd Nov has another $200 roomette fare... although I also noticed that on the 31st, a family bedroom is now being offered for $356.. hmmmm from coach to luxury in one click.

Re: the question using the laptop while on train... well from experience I can say that not every moment is worth looking out the window. I did the indian pacific trip from Adelaide to Perth (similar distance to the EB) and I can tell you the outback sure gets boring after a day. I also happen to live right on the rockies doorstep in Calgary ... so I know the view well :)

I think its time for a beer to contemplate whether the budget can handle the $356 addition.

Thanks again folks
I've been following this thread during the last few days. I'm not planning on having a computer with me, but I can understand why some people will. We don't think it's odd if someone brings a book to read, right? We all agree that it's nice to have some diversion, just to break up the trip. Same with a computer. It's just an electronic form. My only concern would be potential theft. I plan to leave everything in my room - except my wallet, cell phone, and camera.
My only concern would be potential theft. I plan to leave everything in my room - except my wallet, cell phone, and camera.
Well my laptop has traveled over 50,000 miles on Amtrak without incident. Now that's not to say that something can't happen, but as a general rule as long as one takes the proper precautions, one should be ok. Without a doubt I'd consider it far safer in a sleeper than in coach. Next, I don't generally leave it out in plain view when I'm not in the room and I'll usually pull the curtain closed when I leave.

Those same rules apply to all electronic devices and similar things, don't leave them out in plain site when you aren't in the room. Wallets, purses, and money should always be taken with you no matter what.
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