So, I'm doing a bit of an oddball points run for me. As I write this, I'm sitting on train 2159 in Boston. I'll be transferring to 2121 at NYP (1:15 layover which I can weather in the Club Acela, and it gets me twice the points...1000 extra after status bonuses...for a very small amount more than a through ticket on one train would have cost). I'll then be transferring to the Silver Meteor at Washington bound for Richmond, and then getting a ride home.
Why is this odd, I hear you ask? Because I did that thing starting with the letter "f" this morning. No, not that...I flew to Boston on the inaugural flight for People Express...something I really only considered because (A) it was cheap, (B) it's a daytrip, and © as a result of (B) I was able to dodge every single charge the airline has on its a la carte menu (which include checked baggage, carry-on baggage beyond a briefcase, and seat selection). My ticket up here was $56; had I carried a single bag on ($25) and selected a seat ($15), it would have been $ in the sense that I've kvetched about airlines with practices like that it's one of those airlines, and as a result only good for points runs on Amtrak that would be a train wreck otherwise (or for similar insanity; if they get a cooperative schedule, the friend I flew up with seems up for using a low-bucket flight to grab lunch in Miami once AAF gets up and running, since they plan to fly into West Palm Beach).
To start off...the humiliation conga at the airport was almost enough to sour my mood for the day (take off your hat, your belt, your coat, your boots, empty your pockets...*fumes*), and it is still enough to keep me from really wanting to do this anytime soon. Having a friend of mine, Lenny, along helped a lot...though as I told Abe while planning this trip, the thing that makes it worthwhile for me is a Bloody Mary luncheon on the Acela followed by steak on the Meteor. PEX being a local company (they're headquartered and hubbed in Newport News) helps, and the inaugural run featured a sort of show I haven't seen since Norfolk Southern put their best foot forward with the 12/12/12 train, providing a free light breakfast (I had two midsize cinnamon rolls and coffee) and handing out free travel mugs.
The flight was awesome. The pilot was aggressive but competent per Lenny, the crew was awesome, we got a send-off from the President of the company (the entire management team apparently waved us off), and it was clear that this is a small business with people working there who love their job. The flight was at most half-full (triggering a remark from me about having a seat for my briefcase without having even paid full fare for myself), so we were able to shuffle seats regardless of nominal assignment, and we both ended up taking an exit row. I may try and post some advice to FlyerTalk at some point about them in the future.
We got to Boston a few minutes late and took a bit getting up to the terminal. Lenny broke off to fly back home (he has stuff to do today, namely a shift helping out with the cats at Petsmart for a local shelter) and I headed to get to BOS. I caught the Silver Line into town (it was free and I got to ride a dual-mode bus for the first time in my life). I popped into the ClubAcela about 0815 and got my tickets for the 0915 to New York (continuing on to Washington after the aforementioned layover), waited a bit, and then got swept out to the train. As of now, I've ordered a drink and am hunkering down for the ride to NYP.
Why is this odd, I hear you ask? Because I did that thing starting with the letter "f" this morning. No, not that...I flew to Boston on the inaugural flight for People Express...something I really only considered because (A) it was cheap, (B) it's a daytrip, and © as a result of (B) I was able to dodge every single charge the airline has on its a la carte menu (which include checked baggage, carry-on baggage beyond a briefcase, and seat selection). My ticket up here was $56; had I carried a single bag on ($25) and selected a seat ($15), it would have been $ in the sense that I've kvetched about airlines with practices like that it's one of those airlines, and as a result only good for points runs on Amtrak that would be a train wreck otherwise (or for similar insanity; if they get a cooperative schedule, the friend I flew up with seems up for using a low-bucket flight to grab lunch in Miami once AAF gets up and running, since they plan to fly into West Palm Beach).
To start off...the humiliation conga at the airport was almost enough to sour my mood for the day (take off your hat, your belt, your coat, your boots, empty your pockets...*fumes*), and it is still enough to keep me from really wanting to do this anytime soon. Having a friend of mine, Lenny, along helped a lot...though as I told Abe while planning this trip, the thing that makes it worthwhile for me is a Bloody Mary luncheon on the Acela followed by steak on the Meteor. PEX being a local company (they're headquartered and hubbed in Newport News) helps, and the inaugural run featured a sort of show I haven't seen since Norfolk Southern put their best foot forward with the 12/12/12 train, providing a free light breakfast (I had two midsize cinnamon rolls and coffee) and handing out free travel mugs.
The flight was awesome. The pilot was aggressive but competent per Lenny, the crew was awesome, we got a send-off from the President of the company (the entire management team apparently waved us off), and it was clear that this is a small business with people working there who love their job. The flight was at most half-full (triggering a remark from me about having a seat for my briefcase without having even paid full fare for myself), so we were able to shuffle seats regardless of nominal assignment, and we both ended up taking an exit row. I may try and post some advice to FlyerTalk at some point about them in the future.
We got to Boston a few minutes late and took a bit getting up to the terminal. Lenny broke off to fly back home (he has stuff to do today, namely a shift helping out with the cats at Petsmart for a local shelter) and I headed to get to BOS. I caught the Silver Line into town (it was free and I got to ride a dual-mode bus for the first time in my life). I popped into the ClubAcela about 0815 and got my tickets for the 0915 to New York (continuing on to Washington after the aforementioned layover), waited a bit, and then got swept out to the train. As of now, I've ordered a drink and am hunkering down for the ride to NYP.