Points run to Carbondale in a Sleeper

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Aug 27, 2002
After an enjoyable ride on the LSL to Cleveland last week, I was ready for more. On Tuesday, while at work, I got on the lap top and started plugging in possibilities. The goal was to make a points run while at the same time being back in Chicago in time to take gf to the movies. Additionally, each leg had to be at least 40 dollars. Finally, I settled on the a round trip to Carbondale for 187 round trip in a sleeper. I would leave Chicago at 8 p.m. Friday night, and return at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. GF was taking a computer class that would be going until 4 p.m., so there would be plenty of time to go home, shower, and rest before the movie.

After a busy day at work on Friday, and a stop at my homebound students house (with a nice view of metra's Rock Island line) I was enroute to CUS. I did the routine stop at the quick track machine, and then checked in at the metropolitan lounge. The attendants were pleasant. I found a free plug, and charged my phone. After about 30 minutes, I went and bought a Bratwurst and returned to the lounge. I inhaled that, along with a bag of pretzels, and polished it off with a pepsi from the machine in the lounge.

Boarding was supposed to be about 7 p.m., but did not occur until about 7:20. There was a light load of sleeper passengers. We walked along the through track and then cut over to track 18. I was in room 13 in the 5900 car. I settled in. The attendant vaguely pointed the way to my room, and was equally vague with other passengers. I heard them wandering around upstairs looking for roomettes while walking up and down the hall by the bedrooms. Not a good start for this attendant. Additionally, I was told dinner would not be served until 9 p.m. I was not too excited about this crew.

We departed on time, and as 59 made its way up the St. Charles airline, the first call to dinner was made. Things improved in the CCC. The LSA allowed me and another guy 2 pepsis a piece. This really hit the spot for some reason. The steak and mashed potatoes were good. So was the Mississippi mud cheese cake. The dinner companions were enjoyable too.

I returned to my room, and tried to get the seats to lie flat so I could make the bed. I was not too excited to wait on an apathetic attendant. Though I slammed it a few times (not too hard), I had no success. I played with the pedal, and the recline lever but to no avail. I called the attendant. After about 10 minutes he appeared. I believe he was getting food for another passenger from the diner.

He gave the uncooperative seat a much harder slam, and it stayed put. Moments later, I was in bed. For some reason, the heat was not functioning as well as it could. Underneath the blankets, I was warm enough. Though I was glad I had not included my gf, because she would have been freezing.

The CN tracks are not the smoothest by far. Though I was on the lower level, there was side to side swaying at most switches, and some bounces going over grade crossings. I enjoyed it, and slept reasonably well. We lost about 20 minutes by the time we arrived in Carbondale. I was up and using the bathroom when the attendant came calling. At least he was diligent in the aspect of his job. I tipped as I got off of the train.

I had about a 90 minute wait for 58. Not to bad. The Carbondale station is adequate. The chairs are contoured, so you can't get to comfortable. There was decent wi fi, so I surfed the internet, and played a game on my Iphone. In no time, 58 pulled in. The conductor and assistant conductor collected tickets before passengers boarded. The attendant was at the door expecting me. I was in the 5800 car in room 10. I made my way upstairs, knowing that this would be an interesting ride on CN's tracks since room 10 is at the end of the car over the trucks. This car was also a little on the cool side. Underneath the blanket worked well enough for me. In spite of the rockin and rollin, I slept pretty well until Champaign. I got up and went to the CCC for breakfast.

The attendant in the 5800 car told me the diner was open and ready. When I walked in the LSA was sitting there. She did not acknowledge me until I asked about breakfast. She curtly directed me to wait in the end of the car by the sleepers until she was ready. About 10 minutes later 2 college girls walked in and were seated. I walked in and was jammed in with the 2 college girls in a 3 seater. The rest of the car was empty. I decided to not tip at this point.

At least the food was delicious, and I was lucky to get a second cup of coffee. The 2 college girls offered no conversation at all, they were busy with each other. I had my Kindle, and enjoyed reading about the Oakland Raider from the 1970's. Once I was finished, I returned to the sleeper. On the way out, the grouch was now friendly. "Have a nice day, hun". I hope hers was when she saw that I had not tipped.

I took a nap, and slept until north of Kankakee. As we approached Chicago, the attendant made my bed and chatted with me. It was a pleasant end to the trip. We pulled into CUS about 20 minutes late, and by 10 a.m., I had showered, and was in bed taking a power nap. At noon, I got up and worked on some work for school until 2:30. Napped briefly, and then went to the movies with my gf. Overal, a nice day. In spite of the strange hours, I got enough sleep and was productive enough to get school work done a day early so I could spend Sunday in a more relaxed manner.

This was a nice points run. I now have two more to do by the end of the month.
was productive enough to get school work done a day early so I could spend Sunday in a more relaxed manner.
You mean riding more trains!
(That's relaxing to me!)

Great report!
As we say in Chicago, they went and opened a can of whip a$$ on the Bears. But today, they ran a train load of the stuff in on CSX, parked the train in the metra yard by soldier field, and unloaded the who train load on the Bears.
Sounds like something I used to do!!!

Looking forward to reading your next two trips reports!!! :)
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