As someone who rides MARTA five days a week, I'd love to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not. It's a very rare occasion that I'm on the train south of Five Points, and there's a reason for that. When I got hired to come work here the group of folks I hired out with and I all had a meeting with our General Manager to talk about Atlanta. First thing he did was pull up Google Maps and show us the Metropolitan area. He pointed to I-20 and said, "Ok, so you don't want to live south of here, or be in the immediate vicinity of it." And the sad thing is, he's right. The only time I ever do anything on the south end, inside the perimeter, is go to the airport, or I had a banquet that I went to at Fort McPherson (technically Turner Field is South of I-20, but it's close enough that there's not much inherent danger in the immediate area of the stadium). Other than that, I stick to the north end, and I'm just fine with it being that way.