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Heads-at-opposite-ends (like the "Pushmi-pullu" from Doctor Dolittle) wouldn't have worked well in a regular bedroom, as the lower berth is only 78"/2 meters long, I think.  So we were in an L shape instead at night.  Southbound, the hubby had his head on the backrest of the jumpseat and his feet at the foot of the lower berth.  Northbound, he decided that he'd sleep a little better lying flat, so he had his head at the foot of the lower berth and his feet on the jump seat.  (Both directions, I slept scrunched up as much as I could, to give him a bit more room.)

Back when we were in our 20s and a bit thinner, we could occasionally fit both of us into a twin bed (roughly same size as the lower berth in a bedroom), but we couldn't manage it now.
