Presidents Day Weekend Day Trip To Santa Barbara (Pics)

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Jan 27, 2014
Orange County California
My parents and I decided that we would take a day trip to Santa Barbara on Saturday the 15th which was Presidents Day weekend. Since none of us wanted to deal with traffic all the way up north, and after our previous positive long distance trip on the Sunset Limited, we decided to go via Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner. Me living in Orange County, would take train 763 up north, and my parents would join me at Van Nuys. When I boarded the train in Orange County, it was clear that everyone else in Southern California decided to take the train up to Central Coast as well. Business class which we were traveling in, was pretty full and coach was almost 100% full. The conductor made multiple announcements about "One Ticket One Seat" and NO feet on the seats.

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Business Class Breakfast Snack

P1000379 by seat38a, on Flickr

Fullerton Station

P1000381 by seat38a, on Flickr

Freight Yard Near Los Angeles

P1000386 by seat38a, on Flickr

County Hospital

P1000394 by seat38a, on Flickr
Below are pictures that I took after our stop at LA Union Station

Private Railcar Storage Area @ Los Angeles Union Station

P1000397 by seat38a, on Flickr


P1000401 by seat38a, on Flickr

A couple that joined us in Los Angeles, did not know that Business Class passengers get free coffee and ended up buying a cup from the cafe car. They were not amused. At Van Nuys station, my parents boarded the train. It was their first time on Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner Business Class. Once we were all settled in, I went to the cafe car to get this:

IMG_0554 by seat38a, on Flickr

Scenes from around Carpenteria

IMG_0565 by seat38a, on Flickr

IMG_0568 by seat38a, on Flickr
Superliner Conductor Waving As I Snap This Picture

P1000413 by seat38a, on Flickr

Our Train Heading For Goleta, The Final Stop

P1000418 by seat38a, on Flickr

Looking north from the track

P1000419 by seat38a, on Flickr

The best part of Santa Barbara is that the station is right in the heart of the city. The train drops you off right on State Street. If you turn right on State Street, you go to the pier and the other side takes you right into the city. Also, the Urban Wine Trail in right around the Station as well. Before anything else, we decided to have some lunch at "The Hungry Cat"

P1000429 by seat38a, on Flickr

P1000430 by seat38a, on Flickr
It was getting close to dinner time, so we headed back into the city for tapas.

Moscow Mule

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We had one more item, but I realized I didn't take a picture only after the waitress had already cleared that plate. :( Full from the dinner, we started our walk back to the station for our 6:58 PM train back down south.

P1000495 by seat38a, on Flickr
Business Class Only Gets A Sign On The Platform

P1000497 by seat38a, on Flickr

Coach Passengers Waiting For The Train

P1000502 by seat38a, on Flickr

This was going to be a full train again. Once we boarded, and the conductor scanned our tickets, I went down to the cafe car to pickup our complimentary wine that Business Class passengers get. Lets just say, that the colorful language that was flying through the cafe and coach was :unsure: . We just kicked back and enjoyed our quiet business class car. My parents got off at Van Nuys and I continued by myself down to Orange County. We got in early into Los Angeles where the crew changed and many of the passengers got off as well.

Business Class Car

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Tioga Pass

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They ran out of these snack packs. The coffee and the juice ran out as well.

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My train pulled out on time and we headed south towards San Diego. At Los Angeles, 6 people who had one too many drinks boarded. After spilling couple drinks, they mellowed out and the rest of the journey home was uneventful.
Really nice pics. Enjoyed them very much. We went to Santa Barbara for the day a couple years ago. Had a good time on the pier and downtown.

