Just got back this morning from train trip Ohio to LA on 3 Rivers and SWC. Three Rivers had Horizon dinettes both directions, All Amfleet coaches westbound, 2 Amfleet 1 Horizon eastbound. Recommendations on where to sit: If one or more of the Amfleets are the refurbished kind with the blue seats like I had last night, sit there if at all possible. Ask the conductor nicely and I'm sure he/she wouldn't have a problem with it. 2nd choice for seating would be in Horizon with green seats, very comfortable. 3rd choice would be unrefurbished Amfleet with red seats, last choice would be a Horizon with red seats, these are short-haul kind that are occasionally substituted when no other equipment available. Avoid this at all costs as the seats are hard as bricks and no leg or foot rests. Generally passengers travelling all the way NYC-CHI or reverse are seated in the nicest car. Usually plenty of room at tables in dinette for you to hang out in all you want.