Today, I received an email from a reporter at the Herald and News in Klamath Falls, Oregon, looking for answers to the following questions for a news story. If anyone would like to take these on, feel free to reply here and I'll forward the link to the reporter.
—What’s the policy if the train is overbooked? Some students who boarded were told to go sit in the lounge car because there weren’t enough despite them having tickets. While it’s great they didn’t get “bumped” because of overbooking, can they received a rebate because they didn’t technically have seats?
—The train was three hours late to the station because of an accident involving a farm trailer on the tracks. This is obviously not the fault of Amtrak, but how often do delays occur as the result of collisions with vehicles on the tracks? Or for other reasons? Are there any protocols being adopted to reduce accidents and delays?
—Down in the club car, about five men who had obviously had too many drinks were yelling obscene and sometimes sexist remarks at the tables across the hall. I would not have wanted children to hear. No attendants stepped in to say anything, though three were right there. How are disturbances with drunken passengers supposed to be dealt with?
—I noticed a fair amount of food scraps and other assorted garbage in various spots of the passenger car I was in. How often are passenger cars cleaned?