Questions on Chicago/DC trip

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Jun 7, 2008

We are at long last (I think) ready to book our Christmas trip (12/18 to 12/30) to DC. We live in a small town in Florida but will be leaving and returning via New Orleans (family is there to watch our new car and we plan to see them upon our return). We take the train every couple of years as our autistic teenage daughter does not fly. She loves trains - as long as we have a nice attendant who can either assist us in eating the room or who is able to work it so we don't have to share a table.

The ultimate goal is to get to DC but the Crescent seems to have no scenery whatsoever so we're thinking about taking the City of New Orleans up to Chicago (have been once when the teen was younger - and we drove), spending the night, and then taking the Capitol Limited over to DC. We'll return about nine days later via the Crescent.

Have we made reasonably good choices? We have never been to the northeast - previous train trips have been on the City of New Orleans to Memphis, the Silver Star in Florida, and the Sunset to San Antonio. We plan to get roommettes throughout our journey and I've priced them.

We could reverse the trip (Crescent first, then westbound to Chicago last) but the eastbound Capitol Limited seems to have better scenery. We could also possibly go to NYC (via a different train) although DC is our main destination. Any thoughts?

Also, is there any benefit to getting a 15 day pass given that we will probably take some short/long side trips outside of DC - maybe to NYC, maybe Baltimore, etc.? We would still upgrade to sleepers on the long distance train legs.

Any advice appreciated. I should add that this is a crazy busy semester for us as the teenager started high school and my husband and I have a pretty big course load at the college where we teach. The vacation in four months will be much needed so I'm trying to make the "best" plans possible.
Not much scenery on the City of New Orleans either, just around New Orleans (the causeway/Lake/swamps etc.)The Cardinal has great scenery in W. VA and Virginia, the CL only in the morning on the way from MD. to WAS DC. Id suggest taking the Cardinal East Bound from CHI, the CL back to CHI. Trips from WAS to NYP are all on the NEC, plenty of trains daily, the good scenery is North of NYC on the way up the Hudson to Albany and to Boston,

also the Vermonter and the Ethan Allen have nice scenery,would involve an overnite either way. Its alittle too late in the year to recommend the Downeaster to Portland,Me. or the Adirondack to Montreal but you might consider a trip to Niagara Falls if you havent been, either the Maple Leaf or Empire trains would get you there/back!
The ultimate goal is to get to DC but the Crescent seems to have no scenery whatsoever so we're thinking about taking the City of New Orleans up to Chicago (have been once when the teen was younger - and we drove), spending the night, and then taking the Capitol Limited over to DC.

Have we made reasonably good choices?
Yes, I think you made good choices. But, unless you want to really stay in Chicago, there is no need to stay overnight in Chicago. The City of New Orleans arrives in Chicago about 9 AM and the Capitol Limited departs Chicago about 6:40 PM. That is about 9 1/2 hours, Plus if you have a roomette on either train, you can use the Metropolitan Lounge in Chicago - which has a secure storage area for carry-on bags.
I'd second the_traveler, those seem like fine choices to me. And two of those trains also offer a Family room, which may well work out cheaper than 2 roomettes for you, those trains being the Captiol and the City of NOL.

The one thing that I would urge you to do ASAP if you're certain of the dates and itinerary, book it ASAP. Especially the 12/30 trip. Prices will be high for that and it may well sell out early, as in as early as next month if not even this month.

And Chicago is a fine town to visit if you have the desire to do so, although as the_traveler noted you don't actually have to spend the night if you don't want to do so. Keep in mind too that Chicago can be very cold at the time you'll be there, so be prepared.
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