Replacement of Sudbury - White River RDCs

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Jan 17, 2019
Does anyone have an update on what I understand is a plan to replace the venerable VIA Sudbury - White River RDCs with conventional equipment?

There seems to be a discussion on some other lists that the RDCs are supposed to be replaced by a train consisting of either a locomotive and a single coach or a locomotive, baggage car and coach. There appears to be a belief by some that VIA does not possess enough baggage cars to assign one to this train.

I never expected to be sitting beside a canoe but maybe that is what will happen.
Now there's a trip to take, ride the RDCs before they get retired. Of course that would be some trip for me. I think I'd just rent a car in Toronto and drive to Sudbury. Is there anywhere to stay in White River that's walking distance from the train station?

On the other hand, if I want to ride an RDC, I could just take a Reading - Jim Thorpe excursion on the Reading and Northern.
Now there's a trip to take, ride the RDCs before they get retired. Of course that would be some trip for me. I think I'd just rent a car in Toronto and drive to Sudbury. Is there anywhere to stay in White River that's walking distance from the train station?
I understand that there are two motels in White River, both of which are on the Trans-Canada Highway and not near the station. The motels are about a ten minute walk from the station as I recall (I have walked it several times) but it is bit far for anyone who has mobility issues. I understand that one of the motels, perhaps both, offers a shuttle between the train station and the motel.

I recall that there used to be a small hotel (called the Green Moth or something like that) almost right across from the station. I never stayed there and I have not heard it mentioned in recent years so I assume it has closed.
I recall that the restaurant in White River is at a gas station on the Trans-Canada Highway in the vicinity of the motels. I seem to recall only one restaurant but it has been quite a while since I have been to White River so corrections and updates would certainly be welcome.
In the 1970s under the schedule in effect at that time, on one of my trips I took the RDC from Sudbury to White River, walked to the restaurant to have dinner, and then returned to the station to catch the eastbound Canadian about 1:30 a.m. back to Sudbury. The station was staffed by operators 24 hours a day at that time.

I think at the time it would also have been possible to take the westbound Canadian to White River, arriving about 6 a.m. as I recall and a few hours later take the eastbound RDC back to Sudbury.

Sometime around 1980 the Canadian's schedules for both eastbound and westbound changed and both trains went through White River mid-day and met between White River and Franz.