Routes, Reversals and Train Numbers

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Nov 9, 2016
Portsmouth, VA
My first question is: How many Amtrak routes are reversed along the same segment of track?

Next question: If/when a train is reversed, does the train number change?

I was asking because I've been curious as to whether the trains are numbered according to direction, consist or a combination of the two. Also, I've seen some Amtrak trains which are traveling in one direction and there is a locomotive at the rear of the consist.

Now, I do realize that, to use the examples of the Silver Service trains and the NER trains, that northbound trains have even numbers, while southbound trains have odd numbers.

If the train numbers had a meaning in terms of railroad operations, yes, they would have to change train numbers when heading the opposite direction. However, Amtrak train numbers have no meaning in railroad operations and confer no authority to occupy track, so they do not have to change and they don't.

The general numbering scheme is southward and westward trains have odd numbers, northward and eastward trains have even numbers.

Except for things like back up moves into stations, the only route I am familiar when one train goes over the same stretch of track in the opposite direction is the Silver Star.

Trains with locomotives on both ends (or a cabbage on one end and a loco on the other) are push/pull trains where the consist is not turned at the end point. Amtrak Cascades service is an example of this. Also, most commuter agencies operate push/pull.
The number of Silver Star does not change when it retraces its track between Tampa and Auburndale.
Kinda interesting operation there, directional indication wise. You'll be on a northbound train traveling timetable south while pointed west and vice-versa.
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