Sitting in the PPC - wifi works great on my tablet. Yesterday up to BEL on 510 and back on mostly full Ambus. Tomorrow should be interesting at SAC switching to #6.
Did they not offer to run you on down to LA and on over to the Sunset? Or did you elect to wait it out to get Zephyr time?Agr rebooked me for 3 days later. No compensation of any kind for lng layover in Sac. Upon arrival Sac we were told #6 departing 4pm. At 3pm cancellation became known.
Ouch and AlohaHOWEVER, I knew from watching the situation all summer that taking this trip was a gamble and I decided to go for it anyway. I lost - fair enough. OlympianHiawatha rolled the dice a couple of weeks earlier and had a much better outcome. The luck of the draw. Also, I did not receive the dreaded BUSTITUTION for which I am grateful - Amtrak has handed that to me 3 times in the past.
After an hour on the phone with Customer Relations I now have an electronic credit for $260 to be used for travel within the next year. She first offered me $100 and I said that was not adequate to assuage my disappointment in Amtrak's service. There was a long hold and she came back with the second offer.
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