Seasick Steve?

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Mar 22, 2004
Nottingham, England.

Bit of a treat tonight for tv viewers this side of the pond.. a half hour programme about blues man Seasick Steve. Not sure if he is well known in America? Anyway, the programme followed him back to his home in the south of America. He lived the life of a hobo for many years, riding freight trains and living rough. He mentioned the joy of riding free of cost. His music became appreciated only recently, so he made some money at last, to his own surprise. The programme ended with him looking at the freight trains passing, and he said " I don't want to go back to sleeping under bridges, and I have had enough of camping... but these trains passing, they pull on me, they do pull on me...."

Which pretty much sums up what trains do to me, even if I do buy a ticket !

Ed :cool:
:cool: Nice find Eddie! England is Famous for Discovering and Venerating Old Time Blues and R &B Singers going B ack to Muddy Waters when a Unknown Band called "The Beatles" were his Opening Act! The Rolling stones and Fleetwood Mac both started as Blues Bands and Almost all of the Famous British Gutarrists started out as Blues Players!

Most of our Old Timey Blues and R & B Singers came out of the South and Migrated North on the Rails, whether on Freights or on Jim Crow Passenger Trains! Just one of the Many Reasons why there are so Many Train Songs!!!!
Me too.

When, rarely, I run across people in my neighborhood, in the park, or near the tracks, who seem recently arrived and soon to depart (there are some decent sleeping bridges, and freight delay places nearby), when they ask me, I direct them to decent cheap eating places nearby. None of them has ever asked me for money, or been the least bit threatening.

Unfortunately, none has been carrying a 3-string guitar either -- maybe someday -- .

There are a few nearby places that could use a traveling bard for an inexpensive gig some nights.

Gotta think about that.

Did search up Seasick Dave -- Thanks, Ed, will mention to blues-loving acquaintances.
