Not a tabloid account:
Not Native to N Train, a Shark Hitches a Ride -
"The Mustelus canis shark, often referred to as the smooth dogfish, is known to skulk from the edge of New England to the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Brazil and along the shores of northern Argentina.
"It is not native to the ocean-blue seats of a Queens-bound N train.
"But there it was found on Wednesday morning, just after midnight, deceased beneath a subway bench, as passengers braved a stench that, even by transit standards, might have driven them away under ordinary circumstances."
Not Native to N Train, a Shark Hitches a Ride -
"The Mustelus canis shark, often referred to as the smooth dogfish, is known to skulk from the edge of New England to the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Brazil and along the shores of northern Argentina.
"It is not native to the ocean-blue seats of a Queens-bound N train.
"But there it was found on Wednesday morning, just after midnight, deceased beneath a subway bench, as passengers braved a stench that, even by transit standards, might have driven them away under ordinary circumstances."
Photo from The Gothamist -