returned yesterday from a round trip LSL + CZ/CZ + LSL--first time on cz; rocky mts/lake tahoe/donner pass areas are unspeakably beautiful; sleeper car attendant pete was OUTSTANDING, dedicated, loves his work; i tripped boarding the #6 (top step upper level) & hurt my shin & wrist but not enough to report it--was helped by good samaritan; due to electrical problem in diner sunday & also being 4 hours late, we were given subway lunch & kfc dinner; i had momentary glitches but was let on emeryville bus both ways--my tickets didn't say san francisco--since i knew about bus, i just booked to emeryville--did i inadvertently save $?; why oh why don't the redcaps at ny penn have golf carts? (oops--forgot to log in before i wrote this)