Footbath luxury in Yamagata Shinkansen trainset
JAPAN: East Japan Railway will put into service a luxury trainset on its Yamagata Shinkansen with effect from July 19, as part of an ongoing programme to refresh the line’s fleet of mini-shinkansen trainsets....
Carrying up to 143 passengers, the unit will operate tourist-oriented services on the regauged section of the Yamagata Shinkansen between Fukushima and Shinjo, running at a maximum speed of 130 km/h. The train is expected to operate on 120 days a year, typically at weekends....
Highlight of the train is car 16, which has two foot-baths able to accommodate up to eight passengers at a time. The hot water is recycled, purified and recirculated using a jet stream. The seats around the footbaths have an overhanging lip and ‘wave plates’ designed to prevent water being spilled.