@pennyk, @daybeers, @chadamfleetrailfanWelcome @Lcon ! Great to hear that you utilize the Valley Flyers and Vermonters at Springfield. I frequent the railcam there at Springfield quite often.
Thank you for the welcome.
As I had said I used to Work for Peter Pan bus line about a decade ago. Now, And until Covid I was a regular user right up till February 2020. During Covid PP schedule was slashed, the Roundhouse Terminal closed and the one trip I took was really awful. Because of the schedule I had had to book a Valley flyer back already and was pleasantly surprised by it way more comfortable and convenient for me and they hadn’t taken a chain saw to the Schedule. I was converted.
Besides the Northampton Platform is located at my favorite fair weather outdoor bar. The old Union Station bar and Grill, an easy walk with a carry on bag via the rail trail on the old Boston and Maine. I can hop off a train grab a bite and toast the train as it leaves the station.
That’s my take on Rail-fanning.
The Springfield Station has been a marked improvement vs what it was when I had worked in Springfield. The “old” Amtrak office in the early 00 is still there at track 8 But it left much to be desired. Small cramped and alway left me with the impression of the RMV. Or post office. Even the ratty old Peter Pan station felt better and that’s not saying much. I am hoping to see more improvements made. Especially to Track 2’s platform. My last trip Springfield to Boston via the Lake shore limited, it was a major shock to go from the elevated well lit covered platform of 4-6 to track 2 at ground level uncovered in the dark and a pile of scrap metal heaped nearby.