Sunlander/Tilt Train Questions

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Nov 16, 2010
So, I may be getting pulled off to Australia over Christmas. Being a good railfan, I want to do some train stuff while there (shocking, isn't it?) and blend it with my other hobbies, so this probably means getting to Cairns.

What I'd like to know is:
(1) Has anyone taken the Sunlander? How is it? It seems to be a pretty nice train, and Queenslander Class would be far affordable if the AUD hadn't gone through the roof over the last few years.

(2) What's the plan with the new Tilt Train(s) on order? I'm hearing that an additional one or two are on order, but I can't figure out if the plan is to increase service or just displace the Sunlander on the time card. Also, I don't know if/when the new ones are expected in.

(3) Does anyone know if the Brisbane XPT reliably connects with the 9 AM Sunlander?
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I cannot comment on Queensland trains unfortunately, but I presume your last question is about the Sydney to Brisbane XPT. I would think this runs roughly to time given good weather. You sound as if you have not much choice re the time of your visit. Summer in Queensland and northern NSW often brings tropical storms/cyclones which can affect all forms of transport from Nth NSW to the tip of Queensland. You may be here early enough in the season, even so, just for personal comfort, be aware the heat and humidity will be considerable. Just about all types of services and many towns/cities have been hit heavily by extreme weather in this part of Australia in the last two/three years. Apart from all that the routes of the XPT and Sunlander are pleasantly scenic.


Thanks a bunch. I do understand that, but...well, I'm all too familiar with nasty heat and humidity. From what I can tell, VA or FL in July/August are pretty much on par with most of (non-desert) Australia in the summer, and Amtrak has had similar issues with the Silvers (I've been trapped in FL once or twice due to hurricanes).