Train to the Mountain can finally rest in peace
I'm speechless. This is so wrong, in so many ways.Tacoma is negotiating to sell some of the track it acquired two decades ago to create the excursion train. The proceeds will help pay off the debt incurred over the years.
...In the early decades of the 20th century, the Tacoma Eastern Railroad (later purchased by the Milwaukee Road) ran excursion trains to its National Park Inn.
...Based on that history, the proposal to restore passenger service emerged from a period in Tacoma when there was no such thing as a dumb idea, even though in hindsight many fit into that particular file folder.
...RIP Train to the Mountain. It would have been a cool thing if only someone else would have paid for it. Let its passing call attention to where we were and how far we’ve come. It is a reminder that while creativity is to be encouraged, we can have the confidence to reject dumb ideas, regardless of whose brains they emerge from.