Techies to Invade Cascades 516

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AU Supporting Member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 13, 2011
A bunch of high-tech types are scheduled to become "Geeks on a Train" next Tuesday, when they take over Cascades 516 PDX-SEA-VAC on their way to the GROW Conference.

I won't be attending (although I fit the stereotype). But I figured that regular AU and Amtrak riders should be warned, since the Cascades' notoriously-spotty wifi will be strained to the limit, as will the supplies in the bistro car.

I must say, though, that the Cascades crew is used to dealing with groups. They've made us feel at home on the two occasions that All Aboard Washington has had on-board meetings. They even managed to keep a couple of "bachelorette party" groups happy this past weekend, although I heard the conductors grouse that one group had eight people and only seven tickets...guess alcohol has a detrimental effect on mathematical ability.

But a piece of advice for lone and family travelers -- avoid car 9 if you can, since that's where the rowdy groups get put!
you guys get all the cool stuff on the west side. all we in ne washington get are the late eb and the ione lions club train ride to metaline falls. thanks for the all aboard washington link. was not aware of the organization
You're welcome. I encourage WA residents to join, as they are doing good work here. With train service increasingly reliant on state support, state advocacy organizations like AAWA are the ones that can lobby most effectively in state legislatures and with governors. Here's a list of state groups.

And hey, I'd join the Ione Lions Club for a train trip :)
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A bunch of high-tech types are scheduled to become "Geeks on a Train" next Tuesday, when they take over Cascades 516 PDX-SEA-VAC on their way to the GROW Conference.

I won't be attending (although I fit the stereotype). But I figured that regular AU and Amtrak riders should be warned, since the Cascades' notoriously-spotty wifi will be strained to the limit, as will the supplies in the bistro car.

I must say, though, that the Cascades crew is used to dealing with groups. They've made us feel at home on the two occasions that All Aboard Washington has had on-board meetings. They even managed to keep a couple of "bachelorette party" groups happy this past weekend, although I heard the conductors grouse that one group had eight people and only seven tickets...guess alcohol has a detrimental effect on mathematical ability.

But a piece of advice for lone and family travelers -- avoid car 9 if you can, since that's where the rowdy groups get put!
Do you work on the Cascades?
Do you work on the Cascades?
Nope, I'm just a frequent rider. In my other life, I run a company that develops websites. Which explains why I'm in front of the computer all day :)
How do you know that groups always go in car 9 and stuff like that, then?
'Cause I've seen the conductors do it a lot. Since that's the last car in the train, it means that other people don't have to walk through it and disturb (or be disturbed by) the group. It's pretty easy to predict where everything will be, since all of the Cascades Talgo trainsets are set up the same way -- loco, baggage car, business class in cars 1 and 2, then the bistro, then the coaches in cars 3-9. And since they're push-pull, business class is almost always at the south end of the train. Of course, if they sub a Superliner set, then all bets are off :)
I didn't know him very well, but I went to college with the gentleman who is "planking" in the overhead luggage rack in this photo:
Ben Huh? I'm not surprised. He has a reputation appropriate for the guy who's made a killing on humorous cat pictures. But he's a shrewd, and very successful, entrepreneur. Maybe Amtrak could get his Cheezburger Network to sponsor their wi-fi. Can you imagine "I can haz wi-fi" ads, with a cute spokescat? I bet connection quality would improve!
But a piece of advice for lone and family travelers -- avoid car 9 if you can, since that's where the rowdy groups get put!
Based on those photos, I sure hope non-affiliated travelers were not put in the same car as this bunch. :wacko:
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