Texas Eagle East Texas Detour

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Bob Dylan

50+ Year Amtrak Rider
AU Supporting Member
May 31, 2009
Austin Texas
On the way Home from the Gathering via the "Shoter Way" I was Forced! by an Auer who will remain Nameless to Protect the Guilty (Round Up the Usual Suspects!)to stay on #422 and Ride the Eagle Detour Route from Taylor to Longview (LGV) via the Old MoPac Eagle Route that is now a Heavily Used UP Freight Route! The Tracks between LGV and Dallas are undergoing Much Needed Repair, the Tracks are in the Same Shape as the Western Kansas Tracks on the SWC Route!

When we arrived in Austin (my Home Station) I Hugged the Girlfriend and Dropped off my Dirty Laundry and Said see you Tomorrow Evening! :giggle: All the Passengers for Station North of Taylor had to De-Train and load on Charter Buses for Temple,McGregor, Cleburne, Ft. Worth, Dallas and Mineola! Not Happy Campers! :help: ) We Rolled out on time @ 9:30AM, (Last Call for Breakfast)and did the Stop in Taylor, the Train id two Spots to pick up Sleeper and Coach Passengers (Unusual!), then Rolled out headed East on the UP Hearne Sub which hadn't seen Passengers Service Since the 1960s! The Conductor told us that they would do a Crew Change in Hearne for the T&E Crew (the Engineers and Conductors on this Route had been Certified/Qualified since the Detour is Lasting 2 Months) , then go Non-Stop via Palestine and Kilgore to Longview, that the Train should arrive On Time in LGV around 6:00PM!

As we rolled through Rockdale I noticed the Beautiful Old MP Rock Depot was still there! :) (I caught the MoPac Eagle there in 1961 to St. Louis!)After the Brief Stop for the crew Change in Hearne (the Old Depot is Gone! :( ) we Rolled Out on Slow Orders behind UP Freights headed for the Piney Woods! As we went through Palestine, I noticed that Both of the Old Rail Stations were still there! (IINM MoPac and Cotton Belt) Then Slowly Onward through Pine Trees, Swamps, Farms and Small Forgotten Towns! It got Dark around 5:30PM and was Clouding Up with a Prediction of Heavy Storms for the Night, I had my Last Supper in the CCC (Excellent Salmon!)and prepared to Detrain as we Slowly hit the Junction with the UP Main from Dallas @ the LGV Junction! We pulled into the Station right @ 6:15PM and had Beat the Busses that Brought Passengers from Stations between Temple and Mineola to LGV to Catch #22/#422 Headed North! The Houston and Shrevport Shuttle Buses were also Waiting to pick up Detraing Passengers! I said Goodbye to my Secret AU Friend (his Initials are the_traveler))and caught a Cab (the Aggents were very Friendly and Called for me)to my Motel located on I20 North of Town where I had a Restful Night's Sleep in a Bed that didnt Move! ^_^

After a Continental Breakfast, I hopped my Cab back to the Station for the *;30AM Departure of #21/#421 (it was Running on Time Out of Texarkana!)A Large Crowd was waiting to Board the Train (the Shreveport and Houston Buses brought about 40 People, plus the Locals!)The Train rolled in Right on Time, I hopped on my Coach and as usual Practice, stashed my Bag and headed for the Sightseer Lounge! The Trip back was Right on Timer all the Way with the Usual stops in Mineola, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Clkeburne, McGregor, Temple, Taylor and into Austin @ 6:25PM, 5 Minutes Early!

I had a Veggie Burger in the CCC (with Cheese :p )fpr Lunch, it was Excellent! One thing I forgot ti mention was Rail Fans riding on #422 on the Detour, there was a Guy that came from Wisconson (he Flew to Austin) and another Guy from Indiana that rode the Eagle from CHI-AUS, both rode back to CHI on #22/#422!!) On #21/#421 from LGV-AUS there were 4 Rail Buffs riding, they would spend the Night in Austion and then take the Next Mornings #22 on the Detour back to LGV!! Imagine!!! :eek: :giggle:

Overall, not a bad extension of my "Short Way" Trip Home from the Gathering but in All Honesty I dont think its worth it to Spend a Lot of Money to do this Trip (ie Fly in/Spend the night etc.) If you're riding #22/#422 Anyway or Live in Texas, it' sa Nice Two Day Trip for around $100 Bucks!) ;)
When we arrived in Austin (my Home Station) I Hugged the Girlfriend and Dropped off my Dirty Laundry and Said see you Tomorrow Evening! :giggle:
As I recall, not in that order either! :D
Jim forgot to add that 422 stopped in the middle of nowhere (isn't that the entire state? :) ) on single track for well over an hour due to a broken down freight ahead. The smokers were getting restless and the conductor finally broke down and opened the door in the last car for a "smoke break"! (There are no scheduled smoke breaks on the detour route.)
I-20 is SOUTH of the city of Longview, Jim.

The cab companies there are really pretty decent, we always use one to go to a hotel in town close to a Hertz place, get car next morning, and when we take it back, the Hertz folks give us a ride to the Amtrak station....but we never just go for a single night.

I would really like to do the detour, how long is it going on?
:blush: Thanks Tony, the Motel was located on the NORTH Access Road of I-20 and it was Dark to/from the Station so I figured North right? :huh:

The Detour will run until Oct. 31, then Resume Nov. 8-18 and Finish Up Nov. 21 and 22nd!
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I live in Texas and I'm almost crazy enough to take a rare mileage trip just for the heck of it, but there must be a better place to stay than Longview, right? Or am I missing something?
I live in Texas and I'm almost crazy enough to take a rare mileage trip just for the heck of it, but there must be a better place to stay than Longview, right? Or am I missing something?
Well. you could go on to Texarkana Chris, but that gives you the Tough Choice of Texas or Arkansas?? :giggle: The other possibility is a turn in Little Rock in the Middle of the Night, and Overnight St. Louis where you'd have to Spend the Day (7AM Arrival) before catching #21/#421 @ 8PM back to Texas!
I live in Texas and I'm almost crazy enough to take a rare mileage trip just for the heck of it, but there must be a better place to stay than Longview, right? Or am I missing something?
Longview ain't THAT bad. As Jim stated, the other alternative is a few hours in the Little Rock station, which isn't too comfortable,
I live in Texas and I'm almost crazy enough to take a rare mileage trip just for the heck of it, but there must be a better place to stay than Longview, right? Or am I missing something?
Longview ain't THAT bad. As Jim stated, the other alternative is a few hours in the Little Rock station, which isn't too comfortable,
So what does a tourist actually do in Longview?

I tend to use my own hometown of San Antonio as my generic tourist barometer.

If a given destination is even less interesting and/or less exotic than San Antonio I try to avoid staying there.

The exceptions to this are towns where I know someone who lives nearby and want to see them instead of the town itself, but that's not the case in Longview.
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Chris: Makes sense but in This Case: "The Journey is the Thing!" ( I won't say that Longview is Paris but I've been lots of Places Far Worse! And in the Case of San Antonio, Millions of Tourists Disagree with You and I personally find San Antonio More Interesting than, Gasp!, Austin! :eek: )
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Chris: Makes sense but in This Case: "The Journey is the Thing!" ( I won't say that Longview is Paris but I've been lots of Places Far Worse! And in the Case of San Antonio, Millions of Tourists Disagree with You and I personally find San Antonio More Interesting than, Gasp!, Austin! :eek: )
I don’t think we disagree per se.

San Antonio is a fine place to visit if you happen to live in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Louisiana.

However if you live much beyond that, say in Arizona, Colorado, or Illinois, then you’d be crazy to travel that far for this, unless you’re just really into Tex-Mex culture.

As for the whole Austin vs. San Antonio debate, the honest truth is that they’re actually a great match for each other.

Cheap living in San Antonio, high salaries in Austin, and plenty of stuff to see and do for young and old alike between them.

If we had a better transportation system between our two cities I’d probably ride several times a month.
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Both SA and Austin are fine places to visit. Exceptional, both! Perhaps two of the best places in Texas to visit, and far and away the best to visit that has Amtrak service. (Port Aransas being as good as SA or AUS, but no Amtrak). So it is unfair to try to compare LVW or DAL or even FTW with them.

LVW has a great local symphony, fabulous catfish at Dave Beard's Catfish Village, a decent little downtown to visit, Great Pizza at Pizza King, and one of only two K-Marts in Texas that I am aware of (Brownsville being the other one). A few miles away, there is Driller Field in Kilgore where the Texas Collegiate League East Texas Pumpjacks play, and Kilgore College, home of the Kilgore Rangerettes.

And my birth mother lives in LVW.

But I still like it right here in between DAL and FTW just fine.