The best trip we've ever had

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Jul 16, 2010
We have traveled on Amtrak since the '70s and seen many changes over the years. Last year, we did Albuquerque - Kansas City, Reno - Denver and ATL to New Orleans. We've done the Sunset, the Silvers, NYP to Montreal, etc. But Tuesday's Crescent was the best ever. From the (unknown named) baggage handler/agent in Atlanta who treated every single person like she would treat her own kids to the SCA Steve who treated us like kings, everything went well.

The agent helped people repack their bags to meet requirements, taped up bags and provided boxes for overweight ones (then carefully wrapped and marked them), helped a bicyclist with packing his bike and numerous confused handicapped people who needed help or advice. In spite of my spinal problem, I had to get up, walk over to her and tell her I observed her in action and told her she was the best there was.

Then we hit Steve, our SCA. He picked up our bags and brought them to the room w/o being asked to help (that spine was killing me), brought me a cup of coffee w/o asking and told us to take it easy and have dinner when we were ready. He constantly looked into our welfare and was more than willing to tell us about how his schedule went. He asked if we were experienced with the roomettes and when we told him we were, he avoided redundantly explaining everything but when my wife forgot which switch did what and how to best adjust the temperature, he patiently explained both.In the morning, I asked him to leave my bed down all day so I could rest my back when not sitting with my wife in her roomette. We had taken two roomettes as a test in lieu of a bedroom as it was cheaper and it turned out to be prescient. My wife can't climb ladders, my spine flared up and two rooms with one bed available all the time combined with two toilets was perfect. Steve, took all our bags off the train and checked our rooms when we left. There was nothing he failed to do quickly, quietly and efficiently. He was everything we had never seen combined in a single SCA. Hope we have him on our return. We intend to write Amtrak about both these people.

Even dining was great, from the late (9:30 departure from ATL meaning a late night for dining crew) dinner out of Atlanta to the efficient morning and lunch service, it all went well.

We've done 2 of 5 legs ATL->WIL and WIL->NYP, the latter being 45 minutes late out of WIL and 1 1/2 hours late into NYP. Next is Bridgeport to Boston Back Bay. More to come.
Thanks for sharing. Your posting is a pretty good example of the old saying that most people are about as happy as they decide to be! I'll bet you and your wife are very pleasant people to travel with. I'll be watching for your next post.
Sorry for misposting.

We got to Wilmington just fine. Much better station than it used to be. Hertz counter in bldg. Rented a car, drove to Cape May, had a wonderful time even though I spent most of it on my back to avoid pain. We were ready to turn around because of it but forgot about cortisteroid pills doctor had given me. They worked enough to make us go on.

Regional train was late leaving WIL and even later ( 1 1/2 hr) into Penn station which made us hit pre-rush hour LIRR traffic. Awful. But we got to cousin's house OK. We're now in a B&B in Port Jefferson. Tomorrow is Ferry to Bridgeport, Regional to Boston, car rental to NH.

The saga continues.
sounds like a great trip. sorry you are having back troubles, but it sounds like you are still making the most of it.
The Bridgeport --> BBY portion was uneventful other than we were an hour late. We had taken the 9AM ferry from Port Jefferson, Long Island to Bridgeport rather than the 10:30 one because of my inability to walk fast. As it turned out, we needn't have worried. The walk to the train station was pretty short but confusing. It looks blocked off and it is not clear, you have to walk twice as far to get to the elevators. But we made it, got to Boston and rented a car.

Good news: We decided to delay return to NYP to Sunday. I called Amtrak because web site wouldn't give me Senior prices on Acela. Found out, we could use the companion ticket instead so now we can experience Acela at a reasonable price. The agent said we had to pick up tickets on Friday for the Sunday trip but I explained I was in Concord, NH and nowhere near a station. We were planning to drive past Dover, NH Downeaster station but it, like most of others on that route, has no agent on duty. Agent talked to customer service and they authorized Sunday pickup. Nice that she sent me reservation confirmation email that also listed Sunday pickup.

It will save us $250 for the second night in NYC so extra $60 for additional car day and extra $50 for Acela (would be $200 extra w/o coupon) offsets.

Strange aside. We had rooms at Fairfield Inn for weekend at $250/night. When we canceled Saturday, Sunday went to $285. But Marriott Marquis was only $250! We changed.
The final chapter:

We took Acela from BBY to NYP and were a little disappointed. I expected more. The ride was quite bumpy (bad for my spinal problems), the train was full (good for Amtrak but not for me) and, considering the price, a bit of a comedown. I think I just expected too much of Acela.

The Crescent from NYP yesterday arriving this morning in ATL was extremely enjoyable.

All in all, this was the most complicated by far of all the rail trips we have taken in the US and Europe yet it went exceedingly well. We were pleased with the service, the performance, the food, the cleanliness and everything else. No significant glitches and very few even minor ones. As for the non-rail portions, they went just right also - and considering the variety of locations (rural, urban, suburban), cities (Atlanta and Byron,Georgia; Manhattan; Freeport and Port Jefferson; Cape May; Concord, NH and York, Beach, ME) and transports (Amtrak LD, Acela, Regional; ferry; LIRR; car rental; personal car), it was fantastic.
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