Just a few days away from leaving LNK to NYC. We probably will not be taking the CZ :angry: but will connect to the Lakeshore Limited in CHI after flying SWA from OMA. Ok...2 1/2 years ago I made a "contest" out of a quiz for an ex-girlfriends kids. I had a first prize of $50 and second prize of $25 dollors for the most correct answers. The two kids thought it was "stupid" and chose not to play the contest. They didn't know the "prize" was cash. I was bummed at thier lack of intrest so I opened up the "prizes " and stuck the money back into my wallet. Then they raised hell cuz I didnt tell them that there was money involved. Oh well...there loss not mine! So, I did the EXACT same contest with Brenda and her girls and they were "all over it". Asking questions, working hard to finish up the quiz before we got to Glenwood Springs. So now...I want to create a 10 question "quiz" for the Lakeshore Limited. Can all of you help? I will give you the questions that I made for the CZ so you can see what kinda of questions I was looking for. Remember, I have never ridden the LSL, so you'll need to provide me the answers. Some questions should be about Amtrak, and others about the LSL route. Thanks for your help!